Daily Routine
Due to the coronavirus we’re mostly all in the same situation at the moment. Spain and Italy for example are in national lockdown. Germany closed schools and all non-system relevant shops and advises the population to stay at home as far as possible.
Since I’m working from home I thought it might be interesting for you to know what my daily routine is. What I do to stay focused and motivated without getting cabin fever. 😉
The first thing I do when I get up is make the bed and tidying up the apartment from the evening before. In my opinion this is the key of starting a productive day. Then make yourself a nice cup of tea, coffee or whatever gives you energy and enjoy! 🙂 Next step get out of your PJs, and get yourself ready for the day. Now you’ll feel fresh and ready for the day.
Create yourself a working atmosphere, where you can concentrate and feel good at the same time. With kids around you this obviously can be challenging. I recommend „building“ a play area where you can see them, but they are not sitting right next to you.
It helps to come up with a schedule or at least a routine for yourself. In general this will prevent you from getting distracted. Of course there will be days where it just won’t work out like you planned, but that’s life. Try to make the best out of it and don’t get frustrated. The most important thing (like it is with every situation) is always to stay in a positive mindset!
If you need a break – the best thing to do is to get some fresh air. So grab your kids and go for a walk. But no playgrounds and avoid crowds! A walk through the forest can be fun too and you can explore way more than you think.
Please don’t forget you’re doing it for your own health, the health of your loved ones and everybody else! Stay safe, don’t lose your head and stay positive!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope I was able to help and maybe to motivate you!
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