Heart Shaped Sunnies
Outfit Details for Heart Shaped Sunnies: Heart Shaped Sunnies, White Summer Dress (similar here and here), Straw Bag (similar here)
I was looking for some heart shaped sunnies for a while now and couldn’t resist when I found these pink ones. The best part about pink glasses is, that everything looks so pretty through them. We took these pictures a couple of days ago on a perfect summer day – filled with hot temperatures, a mild summer breeze, lying in the shadow and licking some ice cream.
A few days ago we sat Clara in her big girl stroller (wow, kids grow up so fast!!!) and she loves it! I still feel sooo relieved!!! She didn’t like the baby stroller anymore (since she couldn’t really see what’s going on around her), so we were carrying her in the baby carrier a lot and we didn’t mind doing it. But since it’s getting hotter the stroller is just the better solution. And now we are always on the go – exploring the city with our little / big girl! 🙂
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