January 3, 2019
Sequined Beanie
We’re enjoying the last holiday days at the moment. Which mostly means taking walks through the forest and afterwards warming up by the fireplace with some coffee, tea or hot cocoa. The other day though we ditched the walk and headed out for some Chinese food. We couldn’t resist our craving anymore.
Oh, and did I tell you what I got for Christmas!? In about a week we’re off to Rome! I still can’t believe it, since it’s one of those places I always wanted to visit but I never did. I’m already dreaming about the yummy food. To be exact about all the pasta dishes I’m going to eat. And I’m not talking about those pale ones but about the real homemade yellow ones!!! Ahhhhh, I can’t wait!!! 🙂
Have a wonderful first weekend in 2019!
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